أدوات لفك الشفرة |
زمن التنفيذ : -0.755326 s |
أخطاء |
17/01/2025 00:09:16 ALERTE=> fopen(/san/www/lamap_ar/error.log) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Read-only file system dans /usr/share/pear/Log/file.php (ligne : 216) |
17/01/2025 00:09:16 SITE php ERROR=> ##SELECT Page.Page_Id, PT1.Translation_Id, PT1.LanguageType_Id, LanguageType.LanguageType_Code_639_1, CountryType.CountryType_Id, CountryType.CountryType_Name, Page.GroupType_Id, Page.Parent_Id, PT2.Page_Title_Short as Parent_Title_Short, PT2.Page_Title_Long as Parent_Title_Long, Page.Page_Level, Page.Page_Order, Page.Page_Group, PT1.Page_Title_Short, PT1.Page_Title_Long, Page.Page_Display_Filename, Page.Page_Ressource_Filename, Page.Page_Template_Filename, PT1.Page_Logo, PT1.Page_NavigationString, Page.Page_Visible, PT1.Page_Modification_DateTime, Page.Page_IsAdmin, Page.Page_HasTools, Page.Page_HasSeeAlso, PT1.Page_Text_Header, PT1.Page_Text_Footer FROM Page JOIN PageTranslation PT1 ON Page.Page_Id = PT1.Page_Id JOIN LanguageType ON PT1.LanguageType_Id = LanguageType.LanguageType_Id JOIN CountryType ON LanguageType.CountryType_Id = CountryType.CountryType_Id LEFT JOIN Page Parent ON Page.Parent_Id = Parent.Page_Id LEFT JOIN PageTranslation PT2 ON Parent.Page_Id = PT2.Page_Id WHERE Page.Page_Id = 33 AND PT1.LanguageType_Id=2 AND ((PT1.LanguageType_Id = PT2.LanguageType_Id)OR(PT2.Translation_Id is NULL))## dans /san/www/lamap_ar/module/common/DataSql.class.php (ligne : 77) |
17/01/2025 00:09:16 ALERTE=> ldap_bind() [function.ldap-bind]: Unable to bind to server: Can't contact LDAP server dans /san/www/lamap_ar/module/common/LdapConnection.class.php (ligne : 44) |
17/01/2025 00:09:16 ALERTE=> fopen(/san/www/lamap_ar/error.log) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Read-only file system dans /usr/share/pear/Log/file.php (ligne : 216) |
17/01/2025 00:09:16 ERREUR=> problème de connection au serveur ldap : impossible de binder dans /san/www/lamap_ar/module/common/LdapConnection.class.php (ligne : 49) |
17/01/2025 00:09:16 ALERTE=> fopen(/san/www/lamap_ar/error.log) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Read-only file system dans /usr/share/pear/Log/file.php (ligne : 216) |
17/01/2025 00:09:16 SITE php ERROR=> Parametres entree fonction incorrects dans /san/www/lamap_ar/module/business/ExchangeDisplay.class.php (ligne : 493) |
محتوى الحصة |
Id de la session : rc3tgknfq4q3uksqhqjmrarjf5 |
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محتوى المراجعة |
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Parent_Title_Long = قوائم الأسئلة |
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